



Intro of Our New Website

Dear Future Partners and Suppliers,

This is to follow-up on my previous note in launching DOKOTEN on May 2021.

Welcome to the new home of Okahata & Company, a specialized trading firm in Japan!
My name is Nori Okahata, CEO and Editor-in-chief. Our mission has never changed throughout the years, it has always been to connect businesses, information and people. The creation and launching of this database are our latest and biggest take. It’s our way of keeping doors open and promoting communication when needed the most.


When looking for a prospective partner in Japan, we are here to initiate the connection.

We can help you penetrate in the Japanese markets by creating digital contents of your product and showcasing them in our digital platforms, notwithstanding the limitation of f2f sales activities.
We are proud to say that we are one of the best motivator and digital marketers in the field of chemical industries. Allow us to present to you and have a glimpse of our programs in creating contents, and introducing your business in the digital world.


Our motto: “Contents for conversations. Conversations before solutions.”

By putting ourselves out in the digital world, we can actually increase the quality of real conversations, this includes those we meet for the first time through online meetings or web conferencing. The contents have definitely help us initiate new communication with new customers by making the first contact seem like a typical meeting since they are already aware of our history and our products from the onset.


We love to connect people.

Another important thing that is worth-sharing, our own sales people create the contents on a daily basis. Those who initiate conversations are tasked to generate contents, and not the marketing people or some outsourced party. By doing so, it represents our true passion to connect. As a matter of fact, I personally crafted our Okahata Newsletter for the love of the game. I feel that by doing so, I can jokingly call myself the Editor-in-chief.

To cut the long story short, our new website is the new home for all our digital contents which includes:

Okahata News Letter
DOKOTEN: Dokodemo(Anywhere) Online Exhibition
Kutsunavi: Blog for footwear industries
Kosan Blog: Blog for chemical industries.
YouTube: Okahata Kosan Channel

I hope that you find them beneficial, interesting and fun, regardless if you are not fluent in the Japanese language. As mentioned, our intention is based on our motto: “contents for conversations”. And, conversations should always be productive and interesting before anything else.

Enjoy your time surfing our new website! The ENG version will soon be available.

Feel free to contact us. Remember “contents for conversations”.

I am looking forward to having conversations with you.


Nori Okahata





